What is Wholeberg Ventures (WBV)?

Wholeberg Ventures is a Private Business Incubator/Accelerator, enabling entrepreneurs to build successful companies on a capital-efficient basis.

WBV employs an end-to-end "fail early" process for commercialization of concepts, products, technologies.

WBV has a team of senior entrepreneurs, venture architects, physicians, scientists, engineers, IT developers, and business executives with the knowledge and hands-on experience to translate concepts into successful app, device, instrument, and solution companies.

WBV senior executives either have or have ready access to superior resources to identify, evaluate, fund, develop, test, commercialize and/or arrange successful exits for the highest need, most economically viable products, concepts and solutions.

WBV program managers are disciplined, pragmatic, frugal, imaginative, and tenacious hands-on executives who understand and live within budget and time constraints, while maintaining focus through a stage-gate process to either fail early or maintain momentum toward attaining the ultimate objective of a successful exit.

WBV leverages web-based tools to accelerate and integrate the key aspects of the commercialization process, while maintaining transparency to inventors, developers, executives, and investors.

Who would be interestd in working with Wholeberg Ventures?

Wholeberg Ventures works with companies from the "Idea" stage and beyond.

Have you been working on an innovative early-stage product, concept, or IT company? Perhaps it is a new division of an existing company?

We look for disruptive technologies or significant advancements, which addresses a significant business or consumer need/problem, or a recognized patient, provider, or payer problem, having a sizable, defined market.

Making your product, concept, device or IT/Health IT concept a reality - Where do you begin? How do you get there?

Wholeberg Ventures performs, or can help you perform, complete device and/or app/application development, business formation, project management and exit preparation services to ease the complex process and make your concept a commercial reality.

We are your partner, every step of the way, for securing IP, and integrating development and commercialization, while ensuring capital efficiency and minimizing ownership dilution.

Our hands-on approach helps you make the right choices to:
- Reduce the risks
- Shorten the timeline
- Reduce the costs
- Improve the exit

Wholeberg Ventures accelerates concept, product, device and/or technology development and venture growth, while relieving company leadership from distractions and burdens.

If you have an early-stage company and a commitment to taking it to the next level, we can surround you with the experts, education, mentors, and access to capital to enable you to realize success.